July 21, 2020

Why Professional Wedding Photography Is Essential

For most couples, their wedding day is regarded as the most important day in their lives and for that reason it is essential to have as big a record of it as possible and, in turn, that means a lot of photographs, combined with video as well if possible.

Now you may have a relative or friend who is regarded as quite good at photography, but there are a couple of problems with that. One is that, while he or she may take some good photographs, no doubt a lot of them will be consigned to the bin, so if you have them taking your wedding photographs you may get some good ones, but nowhere near as many as if you have a professional take them.

The next thing is that, unless that relative or friend is truly dedicated to photography as a hobby, he or she simply will not have the sort of equipment that, as professionals, we possess at The Two Wedding Photographers. The sort of equipment that we use costs thousands and is simply beyond the reach of most amateurs. We have to have professional grade equipment because our clients pay us to produce photographs that are nothing short of stunning.

Also, you want your family and friends to enjoy your wedding and not be running around taking pictures and missing sharing the day with you.

There is also all the post production editing after your big day. It is fair to say that we spend as long working on your wedding photographs in the studio editing and touching them up here and there as we do on the actual day when capturing them.

Then there is another thing: there are two of us. That means that you will get far more candid shots than you ever would with a single photographer – even another professional – because while he or she is taking shots in one part of the party there may well be things going on in another part of the venue that you would dearly love to have a record of but won’t because a singe photographer cannot be everywhere and won’t even see them.

Here is another thing: even if your relative is quite good with the camera, you only have your big day one time. If you go on holiday together and he takes some shots on the beach that turn out to be not very good, it doesn’t matter too much because you can always go to the beach again tomorrow and he can take some more. Somewhere along the line you’ll get some good shots.

But your wedding day is a one off. If the photographs are not very good, you can’t repeat the whole experience the next day in order to try and get some better shots! It has to be right, and it has to be right first time!

We also understand about lighting, angles, colours, shadows, and everything else. For instance, you may want some golden hour photographs so we plan your photography with this in mind ensuring we know what time golden hour is and the best places to take you.

Wedding photographer near us

Golden hour? That’s the hour just before sunrise or just after sunset. Cinematographers call it the “magic hour”. And it may not be an hour. It may only be 20 – 30 minutes. Because the sun is below the horizon, there are no sharp shadows, while at the same time the sky matches the brightness of streetlights or car headlamps. We can get some superb shots during the magic hour because we understand all these things.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer in Watford, or anywhere else in the Home Counties for that matter, we would recommend that you call us. Obviously, you would expect us to say that, but we cannot emphasise enough that you only have one day, and your wedding photographer doesn’t get a second chance.

Even then, as we have explained, we spend hours in the studio sorting through all the shots we have taken and editing, so that your wedding album only has the very best photographs.

You need your memorable day to be truly memorable, and that is why you need The Two Photographers.

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